Arcadia Sailing

A place for Neil and Sarah to share their adventure with friends and family

Arcadia (Merrriam-Webster) noun: A region or scene of simple pleasure and quiet

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Blog posts:

  • Life in La Rochelle

    Life in La Rochelle

    The big day is upon us. Today we depart La Rochelle, France and begin the 7-ish day sail to Gibraltar. We’ve got our PolarSteps app turned on so…

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    4 min read

  • The boat

    The boat

    Arcadia is a Fountaine Pajot catamaran built in La Rochelle, France. The model is an Astrea 42 Maestro version, meaning that the starboard hull has our bed/bath while…

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    4 min read

  • Learning to Sail

    Learning to Sail

    April 2022: While Neil had a bit of sailing experience, Sarah was a newbie when she stepped onto a small keel boat in San Diego harbor. What followed…

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    4 min read

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